Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions. This function evaluates lazily, seeking to the first offset in all partitions only when poll(long) or position(TopicPartition) are called. If no partition is provided, seek to the first offset for all of the currently assigned partitions.
Common -- 普通 gradle 项目,用于定义 proucer 以及 consumer 交互的接口以及规范 DubboProducer -- Spring Boot 本地项目,用于为 Common 中定义的服务接口创建实体类 DubboConsumer -- Spring Boot web 项目,接收用户请求,调用 producer 处理请求并返回结果
模块 gradle 定义
根项目 setting.gradle 新增
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include 'Common' include 'DubboConsumer' include 'DubboProducer'
functionclickLogin() { var userName=$("#userName").val(); var password=$("#password").val(); var data={}; data['number']=userName; data['password']=password; var result=transfer("/text_project/login",data); if(result[0]=='200'){ window.location.href="/text_project/main"; } else{ console.log("error"); } }
A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends. The name deque is short for “double ended queue” and is usually pronounced “deck”. Most Deque implementations place no fixed limits on the number of elements they may contain, but this interface supports capacity-restricted deques as well as those with no fixed size limit.
A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing. Besides basic Collection operations, queues provide additional insertion, extraction, and inspection operations. Each of these methods exists in two forms: one throws an exception if the operation fails, the other returns a special value (either null or false, depending on the operation). The latter form of the insert operation is designed specifically for use with capacity-restricted Queue implementations; in most implementations, insert operations cannot fail.